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The endless blue seas of Cyprus offer the perfect setting for enjoying sailing and yachting all year round, thanks to their favourable temperatures and flat waters, and a lack of pollutants. Combined with ideal wind conditions, and a stunning, rugged coastline, these factors attract both enthusiasts and professionals from all over the world.

A variety of important races and regattas also take place throughout the year for the sport of sailing, whilst leisure yachters can find community and facilities at two marinas, five ports and numerous bays. All the relevant information for sailing on the island, along with the calendar of events, and important guidelines can be found on the website of the Cyprus Sailing Federation (CYSAF).

As the national governing body for the sport of sailing in Cyprus, CYSAF is a member of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF), and the European Sailing Federation (EUROSAF). It is the official body for the promotion of sailing in Cyprus, as well as for representing Cypriot sailing at an international level. 

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